R. Dannels
University of Phoenix
IT (Information Technology) management entails all the routine issues faced by any type of business manager in addition to the issues of software development, technology purchasing (not necessarily physical items), systems integration, the limits of technology and the related budgetary issues. General information literacy is important for any level of IT manager, as he or she needs to communicate successfully using many different modes, media, and technology with all types of IT workers, upper management, and technology product vendors. IT management also entails leadership of projects or departments. Information literacy is complex and related to the scholarship, practice and leadership (SPL) model as described in UOP (2011). Increasingly, IT workers are coming from foreign countries and bring various cultures, languages and attitudes to an organization. The management in such a situation needs to be aware of those cultural realities and how to modify approaches and understand responses during management activities. Such information is part of information literacy and formal educational curriculum for that should be available for prospective IT managers. According to Badke (2009), such curriculum was unavailable. With the advance of globalization, the importance of information literacy for IT management increases. The increasing varieties of cultures, religions, and belief systems in IT workers in the United States need to be handled effectively and without problems. For example, many IT workers now come from India and China. Those workers’ belief systems are far different from the typical Western worker. They have very diverse religions, ideas, and cultures making good IT management dependent on understanding that and taking proper actions (Nag, 2011). The basic understanding of the major religions (e.g.: Hindu, Buddism,
References: Badke, W. (2009). How we failed the net generation. Online, 33(4), 47-49. Retrieved from https://ehis.ebscohost.com/eds/detail?vid=2&hid=5&sid=e606d34b-cbfd-4825-bd33-e8996eddf979%40sessionmgr14&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=rzh&AN=2010356030 Li, X. (2009). Managerial entrenchment with strategic information technology: A dynamic perspective Nag, A. (2011). Cross cultural management: An Indian perspective. The Business Review, Cambridge, 17(2), 255-255-260 Toader, C., Brad, I., Adamov, T., Marin, D. & Moisa, S. (2010). The main causes which lead to success or failure of a project education. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 12126-132. Retrieved from https://ehis.ebscohost.com/eds/detail?vid=3&hid=5&sid=92d559c4-944a-452e-8881-53d4e8fe23b2%40sessionmgr15&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=ehh&AN=42742862 UOP (2011), COM/705 Week 1 lecture. University of Phoenix. Retrieved from https://classroom.phoenix.edu/afm215/secure/view-thread.jspa?threadID=32564084