Pollution is the presence of damaging and dangerous substances, mostly a contaminant or toxin, which causes damaging impacts to the living organisms and its surrounding (All-recycling-facts.com, 2011). Pollutions are classified into four major types and they are land pollution, water pollution, sound pollution and air pollution (see Figure 1).
The first type of pollution is land pollution. Land pollution occurs when contaminant or toxin is spread and placed on the land. “Land pollution is mainly caused by poor solid waste management practice” (Anand, n.d.). These contaminants compromise of solid waste and soil pollution. Land pollution is mainly about the contamination and degradation of Earth’s land surfaces. Contamination of soil can affect the growth rate of plants and reduce the fertility of soil (Rodger, 2010). Land pollutions can also happen when pesticides, harmful chemicals and waste from industrial factories are released into the soil without control. There have been many cases of land pollution that happened during the past centuries. For example, U.S. Geological Survey (1997) stated that a massive leak from a military fuel storage facility in Hanahan, South Carolina discharged about 80, 000 gallons of kerosene-based jet fuel into the soil. The contaminated soil reached the nearby residential area after 10 years and caused a serious environmental problem to the residents. Other examples include crude oil spill in Bemidji, sewage effluent in Cape Cod and chlorinated solvents in New Jersey (U.S. Geological Survey, 1997). The major factor that caused these incidents to happen is the lack of precaution and awareness. Fuel tanks, crude oils and other contaminants should be kept safe as leakage of these harmful substances can cause the land to be totally uninhabitable in extreme cases. The main source of soil pollution is the use of chemicals in agriculture such as herbicides to kill weed and pesticides to kill insects and other
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