SUMMARY ( LECTURE NOTES 1 – Information Systems in Global Business Today) 1. Explain why Information Systems are so essential in business today.
ØInformation Systems are fundamental for conducting Business today. ØIn many industries, survival and even existence is difficult without extensive use of Information Systems. ØInformation Systems have become essential for helping organizations operate in a global economy. ØOrganization are trying to become more competitive and efficient by transforming themselves into ‘Digital Firms’ where nearly all core business processes and relationship with customers, suppliers, and employees are digitally enabled. ØBusiness today use Information Systems to achieve six major objectives: 1. Operational excellence 4. Improved Decision making 2. New product, Services & Business models 5. Competitive advantage 3. Customer / Supplier intimacy 6. Day-to-day survival
2. Define an Information System from both Technical and Business perspective From a Technical perspective: ØAn Information System collects, stores, and disseminates Information from an organization’s environment and internal operations to support organizational functions and decision making, communication, coordination, control, Analysis and visualization. ØInformation Systems transform raw data into useful Information through three basic activities: Input, Processing and Output From a Business perspective ØAn Information System provides a solution to a problem or challenge facing a firm and provides real economic value to the business.
3. Identify and describe the three dimensions of Information Systems An Information System represents a combination of Management,