July 17, 2013
Robert Gallagher
(Children’s Internet Protection Act, 2000)
The original Children’s Internet Protection Act became effective on October 21, 1998 and was modified April 21, 2000 (Information Shield, 2004-2011). The law was aimed at operators of commercial websites, and online services directed at children below the age of 13. The law also targeted operators directed at the public with the knowledge of children 13 and below visiting there sites. With the increased use of computers, information technologies like electronic mail, chat room websites, and social websites creating direct contacts with children. These young children needed to be protected from information that the children were too young for, as well as organizations that illegally could use information that these children may provide them (Federal Communications Commission, 2013). The Children’s Internet Protection Act requires institutions to make parents aware of their communications with their children. The institutions have to get the parent’s consent; the parent can review what the child has been doing on the site, and to restrict further activity. The institution must limit the information it receives from a child and have a system in place to protect the information it does collect (Information Shield, 2004-2011). The rule was put into place because of ease that children had gaining access to inappropriate material.
(Electronic Funds Transfer, 1978)
The Electronic Funds Act was put in place to protect consumers who transferred or shifted money using electronic means. Electronic methods include the use of credit, or debit cards, automated teller machines, and automatic withdrawals. The Act also restricts the responsibility the consumer would have in matter like a stolen debit card (Investopedia, 2013). A person’s financial institution is liable
References: Information Shield. (2004-2011). Retrieved from http://www.informationshield.com/coppaoverview.htm Federal Communications Commission. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.fcc.gov/guides/childrens-internet-protection-act Investopedia. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/electronic-funds-transfer-act.asp Federal Trade Commission. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0218-electronic-banking