Julie Cajigas
3 October, 2012
Tunnel Sequence I. How long have you been involved in gymnastics? (c) a. How old were you when you started? (c) b. Are you still an active gymnast? (c) II. What made you interested in gymnastics? (o) c. Were there any other sports you thought about being involved in? (c) i. (If yes) Why did you choose gymnastics over this other sport/hobby? III. Did anyone in particular inspire you to try gymnastics? (c) d. (if yes) How did they inspire you? (o) IV. How much time do you spend practicing gymnastics? (c) e. Do you have fun practicing or does it seem like a chore? (c) f. Has it ever interfered with school or other obligations? (c) V. Tell me about a typical day of gymnastics practice. (o) g. What do you enjoy doing the most? (o) h. What is the most unpleasant part of practicing? (o) VI. Have you ever participated in gymnastics on a competitive level? (c) i. (If yes) What was it like? (o) j. (if yes) How do you deal with the stress of competition? (o) k. (if yes) How do you prepare yourself for a competition? (o) l. (If no) Why not? (o) VII. When it comes to gymnastics, who are some of your role models? (o) m. Do you have a favorite Olympic gymnast? (c) n. Do you have a favorite coach? (c) VIII. Could you ever see yourself making it to the Olympics? (c) o. (If yes) How do you plan to achieve this goal? (o) p. (If no) Why not? IX. What about gymnastics do you find most rewarding? (o) X. What was the most challenging obstacle you faced in gymnastics? (o) q. How did you overcome this? (o) XI. What advice would you give to a kid who was interested in gymnastics? (o) r. What steps would you recommend they take to get started?