I initially chose loyalty, trustworthy and respect as my core values, but found that loyalty and trustworthy had similar definitions and personal importance descriptions. I then had to delve deeper into myself and realized that my core values all stem from my value of successful relationships and settled on friendship, family and respecting elders. I then began by writing my experiences that made my core values important. I next did research on the larger impact relationships had in our society. Finally, I made sure that all phases of introduction and closure and transitional sentences were in place before writing my outline. I then began to practice with a recorder, in front of my spouse and while commuting. To improve my preparation, I should practice in front of a mirror.
When I first began to prepare my speech, I came up with my attention getting strategy immediately. At first, I was unsure if it would be good enough and if it was applicable to the rest of my speech. I confirmed the use of it after asking for a couple of opinions and when I saw the first day of …show more content…
I did use a clincher statement by quoting a song verse of Whitney Houston. I am hoping this made a lasting impression on the audience since I have not heard many clinchers referencing popular songs in other speeches. I am also hopeful that since no classmate asked a question that it might imply the audience was still absorbing their lasting impression from my speech. Again, my room for improvement is to ensure I timed this speech accurately. This would have avoided me speeding through my