Title: Eskimos
Speaker/Name: John Rendon
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the Eskimo family, hand crafted tools and modernization to date.
Thesis Statement: Eskimos are not a lonely group of people hidden from the world, they are a dying breed of independent survivalist while we depend on technology every second of every day.
Attention getter: Think of the last time you were in a weather black out. What did you do? You grabbed your cell phone, hit the flashlight app and started looking around for other sources of light. Well, what would you do if a major catastrophic event happened and you were out of electricity for weeks to come? How would you survive? Eskimos would not have to answer this question.
Establishment of credibility: Eskimos have lived for many years feeding of the land that they occupy. There is not a set tribe of Eskimo, but many different groups of Eskimos in different countries ranging from Greenland to the Northern fringe of North America to Eastern Siberia.
Preview (each main point): Eskimos are a widely dispersed group that still live their lives in a very aboriginal way.
I. Eskimos are very distinct from American Indians, as though previously.
A. In fact, Eskimos are more closely related with the Mongolian people, east of Asia and their language, Eskimo-Aleut. This language is unrelated to any American Indian group.
1. At one point Eskimos were grouped with American Indians and people were convinced that they had migrated from the north and settled into the lower country before it was founded. Not true.
2. Also, Eskimos have always emphasized on local and family group, not tribal sense and association of land and territory.
3. Eskimo families live together for a long period of time for the purpose of looking after their elders. In their community, the men hunt for all the families, not just their own, while the women take care of the house