To begin with the side effects, chemotherapy reduces the quantity of the blood cells in your body because it affects the process of the bone marrow that makes new …show more content…
blood cells. It can damage also the cells of your mouth and throat causing mouth and throat sores. Chemotherapy is the key to other minor side effects too like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, muscle and stomach pain, and finally, hair and appetite loss.
In addition, chemotherapy can cause long-term side effects such as serious illness in the nervous system with numerous symptoms like shaking, trembling, loss of balance, weakness or numbness in the hands or feet, changes in thinking and memory etc. and sexual and reproductive issues affecting your fertility. Most of the side effects vanish after the treatment, but some of them come back or develop later and cause permanent damages to many organs. Consequently cancer survivors have a risk of second cancer later in life.
Despite the above mentioned undesirable effects, some people and specially doctors believe that chemotherapy is the best solution to cure the disease, and they fully support that treatment, because it can destroy cancer cells and tumors and can prevent these cells from developing and multiplying.
The main goal is to slow down the advancement of the disease to help extend life. And effectively chemotherapy can sometimes eliminate cancer cells and tumors from the body.
Nevertheless, chemotherapy can be avoided by the use of its alternative “immunotherapy” that can cure the disease without damaging the body. Immunotherapy is a treatment that can stimulate the body’s natural defenses to fight cancer. It helps the immune system to defeat cancer cells and stops them from growing and spreading to other parts of the body. Radio immunotherapy is a treatment that uses monoclonal antibodies to transport radiations and drugs directly to cancer cells without damaging other healthy cells.
Finally, chemotherapy can be effective sometimes but cannot be always the right way to treat the disease. Scientists and doctors should introduce the alternatives of chemotherapy to the domain of medicine and improve them with an intention to keep away from chemotherapy and its negative