The NY Soda Ban can be viewed in many different ways with many different understandings. Some people view the Soda Ban as a good thing, while others see it as just another restriction.…
To start off, the text states that soda contains enormous amounts of sugar that can be dangerous. Some people wonder why sugar is so bad and honestly we need sugar in our bodies, but it can rot your teeth and turn your liver into a blob of tissue. Plus, eating excessive amounts can lead to…
Provide nutritional standards for foods and beverages in 2-5-year-old and school age children that avoid sell calorically sweetened beverages and increase…
Another reason is sugary drinks such as soda can make kids not concentrate and kids are at school to learn not drink soda.…
Many men and women risk their lives every day trying to protect the freedom of every individual in the U.S. The soda ban will create an uneven playing field for thousands of small businesses and limit individual’s right to choose. Although sugary beverages can cause health problems, people should have a right to choose, even if it is unhealthy.…
“It may seem harmless to allow your child to drink soda every day. Thinking that soda won’t cause the child any immediate harm is unfortunately common.” (Khara) Unfortunately for the United States, it’s one of the first countries to start drinking soft drinks. Soda can also be termed as soft drink, coke or fizzy drink and is consumed by all ages worldwide. (Khara) Soft drinks can cause tooth decay, dehydration, obesity and more, and also contain tons of preservatives and artificial sweeteners. It isn’t just parents giving their children soda, it’s also the school districts providing more unhealthy choices and minimal nutritional items, such as milk or water, and fruits and vegetables.…
[189000 emergency department visits by people under age 21 for injuries and other conditions linked to alcohol in 2010 (Centers for Disease Control and…
The government regulation of people's dieting is wrong, they are collectivism. This is not right, everyone is not the same. It absurd to make people stop drinking what they want and what they want to eat. They are trying to become a dystopia state, the government is trying to control everything that a person is doing. Is not their chose to tell people to lose weight. I'm guessing they know what they are doing. Banning sodas and putting how many calories the food has is not really going to change their option. The government is making it seem like everyone need to lose weight. Who do they think they are, by telling and banning candy machines and soda from people. Plus, if you break that rule, they will have to pay $200. They are exaggerating with the power they have.…
A nationwide survey of vending machines in middle schools and high schools finds that 75 percent of the drinks and 85 percent of the snacks sold are of poor nutritional value. It’s hard enough for parents to guide their children’s food choices, but it becomes virtually impossible when public schools are peddling junk food throughout the school day, CSPI nutrition policy director Margo G. Wootan said . “Many parents who send their kids off with lunch money in the morning have no clue that it can be so readily squandered on Coke, Doritos, and HoHos”, thus for containing such foods can lead to students less able to pay attention in class or perform well on tests. The avaibility on junk foods in schools is only encouraging the growing problem americans already have, but simply offering only healthy choices would force students to begin a healtheir lifestyle.…
In the United States, drinking soda is no longer a fad: it is an addiction. Despite the rising medical problems in our country, Americans refuse to reduce their consumption of soda. Whether soda consumers choose to deny links between soda and health risks or ignore them, it is unfortunate that these consumers are oblivious to how serious of a problem drinking soda truly is. Regardless of what companies who produce the drink claim, soda is a dangerous liquid and is harmful to the human body. It is linked to greater weight gain, higher amounts of body fat, and an increased risk of heart disease and Type II diabetes. Health problems in the United States will continue to grow if Americans do not decrease their soda consumption.…
-The amount of sugar being consumed by drinking soda is not good for your health.…
Junk Food is a vast contributor to the increasing levels of diabetes, and other chronic conditions and diseases in America. In order to establish a healthy country, Americans must alter eating habits and establish knowledge within our nation’s children. The beverage and food industry spend billions of dollars annually to promote its products to children. Public institutions promote these products to increase revenue for school needed activities. This continuous, unhealthy cycle is in adversely affecting the nation. It’s time to raise the bar and set a higher standard for nutritional value in our nation, starting with in our school organization. Abolishing sugary snacks and inaugurating health eating habits will benefit children’s health,…
These unhealthy choices made by schools are some that may affect the youth's’ wellness, health, and increase obesity. In a day, there are three main meals essential to maintain proper wellness; students spend…
Junk food is a major cause of childhood obesity. Writer Bob notes that today, about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese, nearly triple the rate in 1963 (Bob, 1). The bad food offered in public schools contributes to this unacceptable problem. A single 12-ounce can of soda has as much as 13 teaspoons of sugar in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. Many of these sodas are available to kids in school at low prices as well as many other completely unhealthy foods like chips and cookies Due to the lack of fresh and flavorful food, many students will choose to buy the cheap junk food offered instead. If we could stock vending machines and cafeterias with healthier foods, it would definitely make a dent in the childhood obesity rate.…
One main component of physical health is proper nutrition. This is important to provide the necessary vitamins and energy to live a normal life. However, many students do not have access to fresh produce and may only result to inexpensive food packed with preservatives and other unhealthy substances. A balanced diet is important to living a healthy life. To stress the importance of eating healthy, the Center for Science in the Public Interest has stated, “Few recognize that unhealthy diet is a leading cause of disability”(Why Good Nutrition is Important | Center for Science in the Public Interest). One disability that can be acquired by a lack of nutrition is a major disease called diabetes. This disease is one that “affects how the…