Title: The Greatest Skating Race Author: Louise Borden Publishing Group: Margaret K. McElderry Books Copyright: 2004 Genre: Informational book about social studies Age: 9-12 Summary: In 1941 Piet, gets the assignment of a lifetime: He must skate along the frozen canals of the Netherlands and across the Belgian border, in order to get the neighborhood children to their aunt's house.…
“The game called lacrosse is the oldest team sport in North America. Native Americans played it before the arrival of Europeans. The French who arrived in the 1600s noticed that the stick used to play the game looked like a crosier. A crosier is a staff, or rod, carried by bishops during religious ceremonies. The name lacrosse came from the word crosier.” (Lacrosse.) However women’s lacrosse was started in 1890 at St. Leonard’s School in Scotland. While the two sports might have some similarities; the differences are bigger and more important than the similarities.…
Did you know that bowling has one of the longest and richest histories of all sports, dating back approximately 4,000 years to Greece and Rome? (Blau) Bowling is a very popular sport that is played worldwide by professionals. Bowling is a sport that you throw a weight ball down the lane to hit the pins. In bowling there is a thing called “A perfect game” and to meet that criteria you have to have 12 consecutive strikes in a row, you are not suppose to have any open frames. Otherwise to get a spare, you have to throw the ball down the lane than see if you’re able to pick up the rest of the pins that you didn’t get the first time and if you pick the leftover pins up than that is called a spare. Also, you have to have a certain or special ball and…
Playing Ice Hockey was a burning passion of mine. It all started in the cold and dense locker room. Practice had just finished up and we were inside the locker room getting undressed. I was a forward on the team and was only ten years old. The team goalie was sick and was not going to be able to make our game the next day. Coach asked “Is anyone willing to play goalie for our game?” and I, the young ten year old boy I was; was the first person to quickly respond saying “I will!” Playing goalie was destined for me, I was a star and very talented.…
Nathan was also telling the story of stone man hill to his niece, stone man hill was the symbol of his confusion between Eunice and Delia.…
It has to take incredible courage to process a challenge like losing a limb in war. Stories abound from young men and women who stepped on a mine, or were ambushed, and their vehicle blown-up. For some, the moment is frozen in time and they cannot shed it. For others, they don't remember anything before waking up in the hospital without all their parts. To take in that realization, and then go on to perform as a star athlete is to this author, unimaginable. The incredible strength and perseverance to go on with life and then for some, to further demonstrate their zeal for life in their high level of participation in sports, is mind blowing.…
Today in America we have the NHL, which contains 30 teams ranging from Canada to the us. There are 7 teams located in Canada and 23 in the US. The NHL draws many highly skilled players from all over the world and currently has players from about 20 different countries.…
There are some spots that are hard to skate and I couldn't really skate well and no matter how hard I try I can't land it. There's some stuff I can do and I practice all the time to make sure I can get better I may not be the best, but I try my hardest on skating.Occasionally it's difficult to ride or it's not working out on what you want, but friends help me to do new tricks and that's why on hard spots I try my hardest even if I get a scrape or even a bruise may even have a broken bone but there's always going to be something hard to do but doesn't mean it's impossible the day could be hot or cold making it difficult to skate in but there's always a different spot.…
The animals are ready to burst out of their cages and breathe the fresh air of middle school grounds. Students frantically begin to hush their peers in order to be the first let out. In the jungle, there are always two or three monkeys that decide to create chaos. Among the others, mumbling could be heard about the upcoming games about to take place. Many already started to decide what teams and students would be taking over the field. In Wilson Southern Middle School, those monkeys at recess decided to play a rule-breaking game of shark and minnows. Along with this game, they played a back breaking lunch bag tag, and an awkward imaginary game. Recess does not only contain games, but it has a huge impact on the body and its health.…
The most popular winter sport is Dogsled Racing. Places that enjoy this are the U.S.A, Canada, Russia, Greenland, And other countries closer to the north pole. This sport is a timed race in courses. This sport was once a Winter olympic sport in 1932 but it wasn't really an official event.…
Snowboarding is a fun activity for the wintertime. Though if you don’t wear proper equipment, you could get injured after crashes. Painful wipeouts happen to even the best snowboarders, so here are some protective gear you should consider wearing before you hit the slopes!…
My entire life has revolved around sports. Growing up, I spent most of my childhood weekends at hockey rinks all across New England watching my two older brothers play. It was only a matter of time before I laced up my very own pair of skates. I immediately fell in love with every aspect of hockey. My teammates and coaches were like my family and my hometown rink was my second home. This is where my passion for sports began.…
I was six years old when my father strapped me into my first pair of skis, “Skiing is way more fun than snowboarding. Snowboarding isn’t even a real sport,” he jokingly told me while putting on his own skis. Little did my father know I would later become a snowboarder at the age of twelve, following the example of my mother and two brothers. During my junior year at age sixteen, I joined the brand new snowboarding club at Blackfoot High School. Although the club only functioned for a year, I realized that small, northern towns like Blackfoot Idaho were full of winter sport fanatics. This thought brought a question to my mind; are there schools in the U.S. that have snowboarding as an actual high school sport? After more research on the subject, I found that only a few private boarding schools around the country offer snowboarding as an actual school sport. Public high schools usually include sports that require physical exertion, competition and a way to generate revenue like football, basketball, soccer, baseball, volleyball and much more, so I asked myself; why not snowboarding?…
Physical education is when an individual has sufficient energy to enjoy life and avoid fatigue (Landy & Burridge, 2009). It has been suggested that well conducted physical education programs can result in increased activity levels during the school day as well as increased active living outside the school setting (Morrow, Jackson & Payne, 1999). This is why it is beneficial that both schools and families encourage physical education to children. Physical activity brings many health benefits for young children, these include: strengthening bones and muscles, improve gross and fine motor skills, helps to maintain a healthy body weight and provides the child with more energy (Landy, Burridge, 2009). These main health benefits along with other valuable health benefits will be discussed in great detail throughout this essay in relation to the benefits of physical education for young children.…
Does cleaning a table tennis racket and keeping it in a case preserve its power and spin?…