Some of the mental and physiological effects include constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, unconsciousness, respiratory depression, risk of heart attack, coma, and even death. Furthermore, the long term use of painkillers can cause addiction. As the body becomes more dependent on a painkiller, the body “adapts to the presence of the substance... [and] build[s] up a tolerance to the drug, meaning that higher doses have to be taken to achieve the same effects” ("Prescription Painkillers”). As a person takes higher and higher doses of the drug, they become addicted and cannot cease taking the drug without facing withdrawal symptoms. Especially in times of stress, the person drawn to the pain-free feeling of painkillers will crave the substance and become reliant on it (“Topics/ Substance Abuse”). In our society, many people have become so used to ingesting these painkillers on a regular basis that they believe they would not be able to function normally without a drug in their
Some of the mental and physiological effects include constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, unconsciousness, respiratory depression, risk of heart attack, coma, and even death. Furthermore, the long term use of painkillers can cause addiction. As the body becomes more dependent on a painkiller, the body “adapts to the presence of the substance... [and] build[s] up a tolerance to the drug, meaning that higher doses have to be taken to achieve the same effects” ("Prescription Painkillers”). As a person takes higher and higher doses of the drug, they become addicted and cannot cease taking the drug without facing withdrawal symptoms. Especially in times of stress, the person drawn to the pain-free feeling of painkillers will crave the substance and become reliant on it (“Topics/ Substance Abuse”). In our society, many people have become so used to ingesting these painkillers on a regular basis that they believe they would not be able to function normally without a drug in their