
Informative Essay On Stars

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Informative Essay On Stars
How many people do you know that have told you false facts about the stars? There are many things that are commonly said about the stars that are false, but nevertheless, so many people think they are true. So what are these misconceptions? The best ones to talk about being what makes a star, how do stars go supernova, and what are the different types of stars? These are the most common bits of knowledge people have on stars, and exactly what we will be talking about today.

Everything we know comes from the stars, this is because they are the only natural force strong enough to create nuclear fusion. In their cores, the force of gravity is strong enough to smash atoms together to create a new atom. When two Hydrogen atoms smash together, they
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Today we will only talk about red dwarfs, neutron stars, and supergiant stars since they are like the small, medium, and large of the stars. Red dwarfs are among the smallest stars, and even our own sun is a red dwarf. When they die, these stars will turn into white dwarfs which is the dead core of the star. This core is only exposed once it has swelled to the point where the outer layers dissipate, leaving behind the core. Neutron stars are like the goldilocks of stars, they're just in the middle. These stars will die in a supernova, and if it’s lucky, it might become a black hole. The gravity the star creates is so strong it crushes protons and electrons together to make neutrons, which is where they got there name. Supergiant stars are the biggest stars in the universe, we know this because we have not found any stars big enough to get there own category. The biggest known star is called WOH G64 and is approximately 1,450 solar radii (1,008,765,000 km) in diametre. Stars of this size will die in a hypernova and almost always become black holes. The reason we classify stars is to make it easier to identify

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