Ismael Garza
South Texas College
What is telemedicine? Telemedicine is any medical act performed without direct physical contact between the practitioner and patient, or between professionals together, through a telematic system. In other words, telemedicine uses information technology and telecommunications to provide medical assistance or support, regardless of the distance that separates those who offer the service. While governments enact policies to improve daily health coverage and quality of health care, factors such as high population dispersion, distances and shortage of specialists in all areas of medicine are opposed to these politically. As they grow …show more content…
For example, patient responsibility is who is present in the same place with him, paying attention care. It is different for whoever is physically present with the patient, using telemedicine as a tool for a specialized concept in order to solve a pathology at hand. The expert opinion is valuable where there are scientific limitations. In short, a system of appropriate and suitable telemedicine a primary care physician and / or general, in a hospital of first or second level, has in his hand the staff of specialists in an institution of higher level of complexity. Any telemedicine system, regardless of the number of services where it is implemented, must operate on intranet and not on Internet. As they pray the different laws and jurisprudence worldwide medical patient information belongs to them and not to governments, health institutions or doctor, and is completely confidential. As today there is no system of internet that is not vulnerable, the question arises: what health institution can afford to have a spurious penetration on servers where you have stored the confidential medical information about medical records, tests, interconsultations, diagnostic imaging, …show more content…
The future of telemedicine is more related to the role and objectives of the system national health. The country has heterogeneous platforms in telecommunications and with a number adequacy of specialists in telecommunications and medical, which guarantees integration of basic knowledge to developments in telemedicine, for it is important to work integration of knowledge through documents for