English P.4
What is Wrestling Wrestling is an man to man sport that needs strength,mobility,skill,and passion for the sport to defeat your opponent and to win the round.Wrestling is a sport that is all over the world and is done professionally and is in the Olympics for many of years.I believe that wrestling is one of the toughest sports in the world because of its harsh training and skill you’ll need to prosper in the sport. Wrestling was founded by ancient Sumerians and they were the first ones actually holding a wrestling match.It was in 706 B.C that wrestling was actually created,they held wrestling matches to win arguments and to judge them based off if they win or not.Many years later the Greeks took …show more content…
The other type of wrestling is called Greco it is all upper body throws you can not touch the other person's legs in any matter.In Greco during the match if you get sweaty at the end of the first period they will wipe off the sweat so no one has the upper hand in the seronera.Mostly bigger men go out for grace because they can throw.They like because for bigger men it’s an easy win if they get someone that is new to the sport itself. These were the few questions many people have on the