Since NCLB in 2002 saw a large rise in the use of standardized testing America’s PISA ranking actually fell from 18th in math to 31st, science and reading also fell similarly(Walker). Sadly America is raising a very unintelligent generation, who is so worried about learning how to take tests well that they forget to actually learn. We can’t really trust these large testing companies to gauge our education system’s effectiveness when they themselves have repeatedly had major issues with faulty scores on tests. Legislators from across the country should come together to not only save our country money, but to protect this country’s future, the next generation’s
Since NCLB in 2002 saw a large rise in the use of standardized testing America’s PISA ranking actually fell from 18th in math to 31st, science and reading also fell similarly(Walker). Sadly America is raising a very unintelligent generation, who is so worried about learning how to take tests well that they forget to actually learn. We can’t really trust these large testing companies to gauge our education system’s effectiveness when they themselves have repeatedly had major issues with faulty scores on tests. Legislators from across the country should come together to not only save our country money, but to protect this country’s future, the next generation’s