Body I. Anxiety is usually defined as a vague sense of being in danger. A. It has the same features as fear; including increase in breathing, muscular tension, perspiration, and so forth. B. Sometimes anxiety keeps people on their toes meaning; we may drive more cauciously in a storm, pay attention to due date more, and leaving your house in enough time to be where you need to be a little early. C. However, some people experience such disabling fear and anxiety that they cannot lead a normal life. 1. Their discomfort is severe which sometimes last too long or is triggered easily. 2. These are people who are said to have anxiety disorder. D. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders in the United States.
(transition; People with generalized anxiety disorder experience constant worry.) II. Because each person has a unique chemical make up; the type number, intensity, and frequency of anxiety symptoms will vary from person to person. A. Symptoms of anxiety; feel restless, keyed up, or on edge; tire easily; have difficulty