Specific purpose: At the end of my speech, the audience will be able to understand the basic necessities to go on an overnight backpacking trip.
Thesis statement/central idea: Overnight backpacking is fun and with basic understanding and knowledge, anyone can try it.
Imagine yourself walking thru the wilderness, the leaves crunching underneath your feet, birds singing in the distance, squirrels playing in the trees… Are you in a happy place? This is my happy place. I got to this place by backpacking. I started backpacking a few years ago out in Connecticut with some friends. Before we got into backpacking we started doing research by looking online and going to local camping and backpacking shops to obtain information. Overnight backpacking is fun and with basic understanding and knowledge, anyone can try it. Having a basic understanding and knowledge of planning, gear selection, and foods to bring can make overnight backpacking more enjoyable.
I. Before you get started on your overnight backpacking adventure, planning is essential and an important factor.
A. The first thing to do when planning an overnight backpacking trip is to pick a trail.
A.1. According to The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Backpacking and Hiking you can start online, seek out National Parks and Forests, read books, or ask people around you.
A.2. Once you picked your location you need to determine how difficult the terrain is to traverse.
B. After deciding on your trail, it is time to plan a route.
B.1. Planning your route involves knowing how long the trail is in distance between stops or campsites.
B.2. Regardless of the amount of planning, one needs to understand that there can be unexpected obstacles that can still occur. (Ex) inclement weather.
C. When ready tackle the challenge of backpacking, one must think, what should I pack? Keeping weight to a minimum is key to enjoying the hiking aspect without
References: Stevenson, J. (2010). The complete idiots guide to backpacking and hiking. New York; Penguin Group. Tilton, B. (2009). Hiking and backpacking. Guilford, CT; Morris Book Publishing LLC. Werner, D. (1999). Backpacker’s start-up: A beginner’s guide to hiking and backpacking. Chula Vista, CA; Start-Up Sports/ Tracks Publishing. Wood, T.D. (2012, October). Meal planning for backpackers. Retrieved October 19, 2013 from http://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/planning-menu.html