Goodnight Government
General Purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience what the Government shut down is. I. Introduction
A. Attention Material: Imagine waking up on a work day and not going to work. Not because you’re sick or because you want to play hooky, but because your job has been shut down until further notice. This was the case for an estimated 800,000 federal employees. (Pulmer)
B. Tie to the audience: I’m sure that all of us at this point have heard about the government shutdown. Most of us aren’t directly affected by the shutdown, but there are a great deal that are indirectly affeted. There is a great deal of information out there, but my …show more content…
1. The President reiterates on September 30ths press conference about the Affordable Care Act. He states that the bill was passed and that “An important part of the Affordable Care Act takes effect tomorrow, no matter what Congress decides to do today. The Affordable Care Act is moving forward. That funding is already in place. You can 't shut it down. This is a law that passed both houses of Congress, a law that bears my signature, a law that the Supreme Court upheld as constitutional, a law that voters chose not to repeal last November” ( Obama, Barack)
2. On October 1st after both parties failed to come to a conclusion on what to do about the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) President Obama stated in his speech that this was the cause, “Republicans in the House of Representatives refused to fund the government unless we defunded or dismantled the Affordable Care Act.” Due to the objection of Obama Care he continues explaining that “They 've shut down the government over an ideological crusade to deny affordable health insurance to millions of