I am here to tell you what actions could take place to decrease this cancer, this includes risk factors, age limits and much more. This type of cancer occurs in the bone marrow, yes this is a type of cancer. Bone marrow cancer occurs with the enlargement of cells on a healthy cell. cancer is something that is extremely hard to cure, bone marrow cancer is twice as hard to cure not only that but it is a risky and dangerous process. Bone marrow also called myeloid tissue, soft tissue that is …show more content…
Bone marrow is often red or yellow. Bone marrow transplants may be used to treat aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia and much more. The first successful bone marrow transplant was done by an American physician in 1956 done by E. Donnall Thomas. There are two types of transplants Autologous and Allogenic, they are the two most commonly used bone marrow transplants, both include stem cell therapy. Autologous transplants are primarily used for people who are going to undergo massive doses of chemo therapy or radiation. After the pacient does therapy and all harmful cells are destroyed, stem cells are injected in the blood stream which speed up the healing process. Allogenic transplants also called allograft is the transfer of tissue between genetically non identical members. With the same blood type. Commonly used in the transplants of skin, corneas, liver, heart,