For me this was a reality back in 2015 when my mother was given a cancer diagnosis. I was filled with fear and worry but more importantly I was filled with the desire to know how cancer can be prevented and even cured. This led me to research a plant based diet and lifestyle in hopes of finding answers. My search took me to the forks over knives website which is where I gathered my information for this speech.
Research shows that a plant based diet will slow or stop most cancers, in fact …show more content…
Examples of this include processed snacks, sugary drinks such as soda and energy drinks. For the most part we know what foods are healthy and unhealthy however the diet industry has helped to blur the lines between what kinds of food we actually need in order to nourish our bodies as opposed to just losing weight. We see this in all kinds of low fat, processed diet foods which are full of chemicals and GMO products. These chemicals in turn make our bodies addicted to the very things that we should not consume such as sugar. This fear is eliminated when we eat whole foods grown from the earth and not foods processed in a …show more content…
This can be a challenge living in the society we live in today. We have instant access to so many things. If you need an example of this just count the number of Starbucks you pass the next time you are going on a road trip. Through marketing techniques we have been told that we need that Unicorn Frappuccino that is only available for 48 hours, after all it’s only going to be around for 2 days and we certainly wouldn’t want to miss out. In fact Starbucks is a “norm”. It’s a cool place to hang out with free Wi-Fi and we keep feeding our bodies’ sugar, sugar and more