Specific Purpose: Use a pen as a vehicle to introduce myself to the class.
I. This is a pen. One of the most popular writing utensils in the world. Little did I know, when I was in the second grade, that the pen would have changed my life forever and help shape me into the person I am today.
A. What is strange about this item that I chose, is that I cannot use it. In second grade I was diagnosed with what is now called Dysgraphia.
II. Dysgraphia is a disorder that literally prevents me from being able to handwrite legibly.
A. I have had teachers approach me and tell me that my handwriting was chicken scratch, illegible, or gibberish.
III. …show more content…
Look back at your times in grade school, high school, and even college and imagine what that journey would have been like with the inability to use a pen. I was not going to let this disability get in the way of my education or stop me from becoming the person I want to be.
A. This challenge was difficult for me. Neither my teachers, my classmates, nor myself could read anything I wrote.
B. This impacted not only my academic performance, but also my confidence and self-esteem.
C. The pen for most people is the easiest tool to use when expressing thoughts visually. By not being able to write, I could not take a regular spelling test, write a quick note, or even write my name on the top of papers.
(TRANSITION: I was determined to get around this barrier.)
II. Luckily for me, growing up in the dawn of the 21st century, I had access to the latest technology which allowed me to transmit my ideas just like everyone else.
A. I came to fall in love with technology; and for years, could not wait to go to college and finally apply my passion for it.
B. While my lack of fine motor skills made using a pen for any task impossible, one form of written communication I found I had a knack for was