A study was done at New York’s Mount Sinai hospital to look into the idea of inherited trauma. They examined the genes of 32 Jewish people who had either lived through the second world war, been in a concentration camp or have seen or experienced torture. They then examined the genes of Jewish people who didn't experience the war at all.
They studied the genes of the kids from the two different groups of Jewish people. The difference that they found in the genes, was that the kids who had parents that experienced trauma had an increased possibility of stress disorders. If you were to compare the results with the Jewish kids whose parents …show more content…
Epigenetic inheritance is “The idea that environmental influences such as smoking, diet, and stress can affect the genes of your children and possibly even grandchildren.” The study that was conducted at New York’s Mount Sinai hospital incorporated the questionable idea of epigenetic inheritance into their theory. Their theory is that the high levels of stress on the bodies and minds of Jewish people who encountered the war affected their children. Those Jewish people were abused, traumatized and degraded. They were left with many psychological issues, diseases, and fear. All these factors caused a lot of stress on those people. That stress could then be passed down to their kids, by epigenetics. This could leave their kids with a higher likelihood of stress disorders, which could also mean they could be more susceptible to