Many of you guys know the leading causes of death in the United States. Heart disease remains the leading causes of death here in this country. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the Unites States in 1 every 4 deaths. Around 614,348 die from this horrible disease. Ask yourself why this disease is so high in this nation? I believe it is due to the many fast food joints opening around our nation. People also lack physical activity and many don’t partake in the thirty min recommended to do per day. Young children will most likely be holding on their electronics and eating a mchicken in one hand and drinking a nice cold soda in the other.
I choose this topic because it’s a good topic to choice from if you want to both learn and teach people what’s affecting you. Many …show more content…
As you age, your heart will not work as it did when you were younger. Stats show that about 4 of every 5 deaths is caused in people who older than 65 years of age. The heart’s barriers will become hard. Not as much of blood will be able to pump through the muscles inside the body. As you age so does your heart.
They are several of kinds of heart disease. The most common types are CAD (coronary Artery Disease), heart valve disease, and Cardiomyopathy. All of these diseases are quite similar to each other. Each disease has same the symptom like issues just like one another. But the most common type is CAD.
CAD (Coronary Artery Diseases one of the leading cause of death in the United States. Stats show that it is happening to about 12 million Americans. This is a number 1 cause of death here in the states. This disease is caused by blood that goes into the heart muscle. This heart muscle is full blocked by nasty buildup. This buildup inside the arteries is made up from entirely fat and cholesterol you been stacking up. The artery diminishes and tightens. The buildup will then block any oxygen from entering your