Hemiplegia is a more severe form of 'hemiparesis' wherein one half of the body is only weakened. It is also very different from the conditions of paraplegia & quadriplegia, which are commonly confused with hemiplegia. Paraplegia is paralysis in both legs, below the waist. Quadriplegia is paralysis below the neck and is also usually the result of a spinal cord injury.
Symptoms: The symptoms of this disease largely depend …show more content…
• Loss of control over bladder and bowel movements leading to an inability to hold on to stool or urine.
• Unable to perform tasks like holding objects, tying laces, dressing oneself, buttoning etc.
• Feeling depressed
• Heightened emotional sensitivity with inability to handle stressful situations.
• Memory seems poor. Unable to recall recent or past events concerning people, places and activities.
Diagnosis: The diagnostic tests for this disease have a few procedures that need to be done to find the cause of hemiplegia. Some required tests are:
• Complete blood count.
• Blood biochemistry test.
• Cranial CT -> a highly detailed, non-invasive, imaging procedure that combines x-rays with computer technology and allows the study of the brain from many angles.
• Cranial MRI -> a non-invasive, highly sensitive procedure that uses electromagnetic properties of tissues providing detailed studies of their structures.
• An EEG (electroencephalogram) -> can measure the nerve activity within the brain.
Causes: The causes for this disease are generally, an injury to the right side of the brain will cause a left-sided hemiplegia while an injury to the left side of the brain will cause a right-sided …show more content…
-> an emboli o A bleed from a blood vessel supplying the brain -> a hemorrhage
• Head injury
• Diabetes
• Brain tumor
• Infections -> meningitis, encephalitis
• Migraine syndrome -> recurrent headaches of severe intensity occasionally accompanied by sensations of numbness and tingling in one half of the body.
• Inflammation of the blood vessels -> vasculitis
• Diseases affecting the nerves -> like Multiple Sclerosis; acute necrotizing myelitis.
• Conditions presenting from birth -> cerebral palsy. Lack of blood supply damages nerve cells in the brain. Birth trauma, difficult labor, perinatal strokes in infants within 3 days of birth can all cause cerebral palsy.
• Hereditary diseases -> leukodystrophies. This is a rare disorder affecting the myelin sheath which covers and protects nerve cells in the brain. The condition usually appears in infancy or childhood.
Treatments: Hemiplegia usually takes a while to recover. There are two facets in treating the condition.
• Check further progress of underlying condition
• Rehabilitation and control of disability.
Preventions: This disease can be prevented