a) How many people, by show of hands, have family that came from another country?
i. Most everyone is affected in some way by the rights of immigrants coming into our country. Whether by legal or illegal means, it is an important and pressing issue.
b) The registration and deportation of immigrants has detoured from a legal issue and has become more of an issue of profiling.
c) I hope to demonstrate to you today about how our laws have taken away from the American dream by persecuting others by where they come from.
II. Immigration
a) Immigration in not just about registration.
i. Immigration can be for asylum from a country that means to do them harm. ii. Immigration can also be because they are a refugee fleeing from their own country because of religious or political persecution.
iii. …show more content…
There are movements, even within our own Whitehouse, seeking the withdrawal of Middle Eastern (specifically Syrians) refugees to avoid terrorist attacks in our country.
b) Since September 11th there has been a vast amount of policy change specifically around immigration. The War on Terrorism has opened doors that we may not have so willingly opened with The Patriot Act.
i. The Patriot act redefines and amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to broaden the scope of aliens ineligible for admission or deportable due to terrorist activities to include an alien who: (1) is a representative of a political, social, or similar group whose political endorsement of terrorist acts undermines U.S. Anti-terrorist efforts. (Ref #3) ii. With this definition being so vague it opens up for interpretation of what that terrorist act could be considered.
(1) For instance, if I was to ask the class right now if they would allow a Shiite or Sunni Islamic person into the country, would you know what the difference