S. P. To inform the audience on two things you need to know when going to a Giants baseball game.
C. I. Two things you need to know when going to a Giants baseball game are what to do before the game and what to do during the game.
I. (Attention) Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Going to a Giants baseball game can be confusing with all of the choices there are to make. A. There’s so much to experience. B. It can be hard on your wallet if you’ve never been before. 1. This can lead to a bad experience and leave a bad taste in your mouth. II. (Reveal) So today I will share with you two things you need to know when going to a Giants baseball game. III. (Credibility) I have been interested in Giants baseball games since my uncle took me to my first Giants game 17 years ago. C. I’ve been to at least 25 Giants baseball games every season over the last 7 seasons and have experienced almost everything there is to experience. D. I also did some research I’d like to share with you. IV. (Relate) I’m sure all of you will go to a Giants baseball game at least once in your lifetime if you haven’t gone already. E. If you want to leave the game with a great experience and some money in your pockets then continue to hear me out. V. (Internal Preview) So today we will be looking at two things you need to know when going to a Giants baseball game which are what to do before the game and what to do during the game.
I. The first thing you need to know when going to a Giants baseball game is what to do before the game. A. You’ll need to decide where you want to sit. 1. The best and most affordable seats are in the outfield bleachers. a. If you sit in sections 137-139 you have a real good chance at taking home a home run ball. b. You’ll want to watch out for incoming bird poop in these seats. i. Jim Carlton
Bibliography: Carlton, J. (2013, June 7). San Francisco Giants Fans Find Diamonds Are a Gull 's Best Friend. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323844804578527623979373726.html Quittner, J