Visual aid: waterX2 & powerpoint
Intro: attn. getter
2/3 of body weight
Brain =73%
Heart= 73%
Lungs= 83%
Skin= 31%.
Body weight= 70% water
16 sec
Point 1: Why we need water
Convince that Water is essential
Water used by every single cell in the body.
Contrary; Whether eating or drinking, you’re consuming water
Indirectly- animals or plants consuming it
Directly- putting water into mouth
Non active person: 2 Quarts
Active: 3-4 quarts
Depending on insensitivity of workout and heat
1 min
Point 2: Proper hydration
Water reduction of 2% causes harmful effects.
* trouble concentrating.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day not just when working out
Drink before thirsty help not get dehydrated
Thirst mechanism activated= already thirsty lost 1% of bodys water
Must put water into your body to survive, so what exactly are you putting in your body?
Point 3: Different bottled water website Great Value Vs. Ozarka Vs. Stephenville
1. Zipcode
2. Explain titles
3. Scroll over contaminent
Great value- Dallas city utilities
Basically paying 1900x for dallas tap water 76178
Dichloroacetic acid- cancer treatment in excess. Liver/kidney failure
Chloroform- refrigerant in vehicles
Methanes- Usually disinfectants but if they’re regulated is it really worth it?
Nitrate- agricultural uses
Ozarka- natural spring water
Yes, natural and contains no purposely injected chemicals BUT
Never can be completely sure what is in spring water
Pesticides, insecticides infiltrate through the soil to water
Stephenville water- 76401
Basically some of the same as ft worth water
Radium- can cause teeth fracture and anemia
Lead- mostly growth deficiencies in children
But can be the cause of high blood pressure in adults.
Water is an essential element of life
Is in everything that goes into your body
Most importantly: knowledge of what is in water.