The media portrays some races of people as bad human beings. For example “Donald Trump dusted off of an old anti-Semitic canard and ascribed it to Muslims claiming he saw a video of them cheering after the World Trade Tower collapsed on 9/11”. This shows that people in today’s world are being shown as evil people, but in reality if you see them, they are peaceful, kind, loving, and humble humans just like you or me. Media also displays blacks as addicts and savages. Another example, Hillary Clinton called young black men “super-predators” in that she thinks black people are all violent criminals. This shows that we are seeing this online believing it even though it’s not true. The kids watch this kind of stuff and live their life with it. Today’s children have phones in their hands all day long and can’t live without technology. “By the age of eight, 96% of children have watched TV, 90% have a computer, 81% have consoles, and 60% have phones.” This shows that kids see the media all day and look at things going on and believe them, When they get older they might hate that thing like if they saw something about Muslims being terrorists, they might not be friends with a kid who is a Muslim in their school or anywhere else. This has shown that we are losing knowledge and being controlled by the media in this society today. These quotes show us the way we can be censored in this world and what can happen to us. Censorship isn’t always bad, but a lot of it is. It can ruin a person’s reality. If people forget knowledge and get addicted to technology, it can ruin lives. Censorship can also destroy everyone like in the book people died without knowing what happened. You should not believe in everything the media has to say about others. Base your life off of what you have been through with those kind of people. We are living in a world where technology is everything. It is the world…