The Retail Sector of Indian Economy is going through the phase of tremendous transformation. The retail sector of Indian economy is categorized into two segments such as organized retail sector and unorganized retail sector with the latter holding the larger share of the retail market. At present the organized retail sector is catching up very fast. The impact of the alterations in the format of the retail sector changed the lifestyle of the Indian consumers drastically. The evident increase in consumerist activity is colossal which has already chipped out a money making recess for the retail sector of Indian economy.
With the onset of a globalize economy in India, the Indian consumer's psyche has been changed. People have become aware of the value of money. Nowadays the Indian consumers are well versed with the concepts about quality of products and services. These demands are the visible impacts of the Retail Sector of Indian Economy
The Indian retail sector is now worth about $250bn (£140bn) a year, but it is heavily underdeveloped. Well over 95% of the market is made up of small, uncomputerised family-run stores.
I have chosen this topic to analyze the opportunities and challenges to the retail sector in India and to study the Marketing strategies of retail firms.
• To analyze the future of retail sector in India.
• To investigate the challenge faced by organized retail sector by unorganized family runs stores.
• To analyze the impact of arrival of Trans National Companies in Indian Retail sector.
• To analyze the Supply chain management of retail sector.
• To understand the marketing strategy of Reliance fresh and study its objective.
• To analyze the current marketing strategies of reliance fresh.
• To recommend strategies for future course of action.
Methodology: To understand the Marketing strategy of Reliance fresh the research will be based on both primary as well as