Organic Chemistry Lab 301A
B. The purpose of this lab is to study Infrared Spectroscopy, which focuses on the study of the electromagnetic spectrum. The area to be studied is the infrared region, which is made up of gamma, X, and UV rays. We want to be able to identify spectra’s to their complementary structures. The background of this experiment particularly deals with the study of compound structure determination, and traits. We must be aware of the functional groups that occur in the compounds in order to correctly assess accurate results. Molecular vibrations affect the frequency of the stretch or bend, and the frequency of the bond is determined by 3 types of bonds between atoms. Infrared absorptions are studied, which are identified by their peaks. Peak intensity is measured as strong, medium, or weak. The spectra of the Infrared Spectroscopy is a set of values for the compound being studied. The spectra is novel to its compound and is derived by taking the sample and channeling a beam of infrared light through it. Because the samples vary, not all wavelengths will be absorbed by the sample; some may be transmitted. From here, we can assess the aspects of the molecular structure of the sample. The greater the number of absorption bands in our tables, the more intricate the spectra. In our experiment, we test several unknowns. To identify our unknowns we have to compare our spectrums to a known sample. From the 2 unknown samples, we cleaned the surface of the sample area and used powder into the IR. Our sample was added to the center of the platform and let the data collect for about a minute. We knew the sample was ready when the spectra appeared on the screen. We used the computer to perform the instrument operations yielding us with 2 unknowns. To analyze our spectra, we printed our graphs of our 2 unknowns.
C. We saw that our powder had an unpleasant smell was finely refined. We began to use the graphs printed of our