Bert cates a young man 24 years of age, is defending what he believes in. Bert believes that the world was made is millions of years, not just seven days. Bert believes that what hes has taught will help kids and people in the future. Berts lawyer Henry Drummond says " What jury? Twelve men? millions of people will say you won. They'll read in the papers tonight that you smashed a bad law. You made it a joke!" (Lee and Lawrence 122). Drummond is teying to say that even though you happened to lose the case you won everyone else in the world. They believe that what you did was right and kids should have a right to know what is true and what isn't. …show more content…
Henry Drummond the best lawyer you could possible get defending you.
Henry believes that the freedom of thought that become the freedom to be wrong and or change your mind.Drummond States "You Don't suppose this kind of thing is finished, do you? Tomorrow it'll be something else-and another fella will have to stand up. And you've helped give him the guts to do it!" (Lee Lawrence,123) Drummond is saying you are the bravest man. No one in the world would have the courage to do what you did. Bert cates carved a path for the future about teaching evolution in
Howard a little boy, he was in the classroom that Bret Cates taught, he begins to yhink for himself due to cates teaching about Evolution. Howard serves as an example that shows the i pack that cates has on others. howard states "You was so! When the whole world was covered with water, there was nothing' but worms and blobs of jelly. And you and your whole family was worms"(Jerome Lawrence,4). Howard is making a statement that Bert Cates told him. He educated him on how the world was formed and what was on it before humans were here. Howard is telling the girl that you were once a worm that grew and grew. Bert Cates isn't trying to harm or hurt anyone he is just trying to educate the future kids. Even Though 12 people say you're wrong and that you broke the law, but millions of other people are standing behind you saying you won. In conclusion Bert cates won the trial, even though they said he lost. He won millions of people hearts for what he did.