What makes one race more superior than the other. For many years race has been a long standing issue in this world. It has been going on since the the 15th century. During this time the white race were the ones that received all of the privileges. Unlike Native Americans who had very little privileges during this time. The privileges they did have depended on where they lived and what century it was. In fact in some parts of the world Native Americans had no privileges and were treated very inhumanely by the white race. It is an evil world when man feels like he must put another man down in order to feel superior.
Bartolome was very against the ideal of forcing Indians into slavery and treating them so inhumanely. In 1502, Bartolome de Las Casas went to Cuba to fight in the military and received and estate for his service. Bartolome estate had Indians on it that was working as slaves. Bartolome gave up the piece of his estate that had Indians working on it and made it his mission to find other towns in Spain that wanted to work equally with the Indians. Bartolome eventually signed a law prohibiting Indian Slavery and Safeguarding the rights of the …show more content…
Helen spoke about the way that the state and federal policies failed to ensure the fair treatment of the Native Americans. She was also one of the Native Americans biggest advocacy. Helen was very upset that president after president would appoint someone to take care of the Indian affairs, but nothing would ever get done about them. Even if there was a problem reported. She said that the history between the government and the Indians was full of nothing, but broken promises and lies (Helen Hunt Jackson n.d.). Any time that a crime was committed by an Indian on a white person everyone notice, but as soon as the white man attacked the Indian everybody looked the other