
Initial Consultation Case Study

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Why is the initial consultation so important? What factors will an ethical therapist cover at this time?
Word Count: 1926

A hypnosis session is generally regarded to contain five elements. These include the introduction, induction, deepener, therapy, and awakening. Each of these elements are important but to answer this question effectively, I will focus on the introduction stage by explaining why the initial consultation is an essential part of hypnosis. I will then go on to describe some of the ethical issues that face hypnotherapists by discussing them in relation to an initial consultation.

When a client first attends a hypnotherapy session it is usually to receive help in resolving an issue or a problem that they have. The
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It is imperative however that therapist also asks many of the questions themselves as this will not only build a rapport but will ensure that as much information as possible is gathered. Banyan (2005) also suggests that it is important to remember to use the questionnaire as a guide rather than a rigid format for the session. This is because people generally like to talk about themselves and if a genuine interest in what they are saying is shown, then trust and rapport can develop. Banyan (2005) also suggests that if a natural conversational path is followed rather than being academic about the questioning the therapist will also gather much more in-depth and useful information needed.

Eason (2013) explains that rapport can ultimately make or break a session and goes on to describe that it is imperative that the client feels at ease and trust is quickly gained by the therapist. This is because hypnotherapy is heavily reliant on the relationship between both parties being that of respect and trust. If a good rapport is not achieved then ultimately the clients’ mind is at risk of rejecting any therapeutic suggestions made during hypnosis or the client may even choose not to proceed with the therapy if they do not feel
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This information may determine how motivated the client is at resolving their issue. It is also important to recognise that sometimes children and young people, under some degree of parental control, attend hypnotherapy sessions because it is the parent who desires treatment or change rather than the client himself.

Banyan (2005) described a situation where a client had been ‘told’ to try hypnosis as a way of stopping his smoking habit as he had exhausted every other option. It was evident from the client’s body language that his enthusiasm to stop smoking was lacking as his shoulders were hunched and he was slouched in his chair. It is possible to conclude that this client was not suitable for hypnotherapy but a different approach to his treatment may also have been an option. It may be that their commitment to change and attitude needs worked on

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