1. Nutrition Assessment: An initial Nutrition Assessment will be done by the teacher at the beginning of the year to assess the likes and dislikes of the child, intake patterns, parent concerns etc. Parents are interviewed by the teacher so that they can provide important nutrition information regarding their child’s nutritional needs e.g. sudden increase or decrease in appetite, are adequate calories being consumed along with a balanced diet, refusal to eat certain foods, diarrhea or constipation. The assessment information will be collected and reviewed within the first 30 days of enrollment and referral made upon identification, but not later than 30 days from identification. The Program Information …show more content…
Hematocrit/Hemoglobin: Anytime a child has an abnormal Hematocrit/Hemoglobin result, (Hematocrit-less than 34% or 45% or more and Hemoglobin-less than 11 gms or 15.5 gms or more). Hematocrits/Hemoglobins are obtained following the EPSDT periodicity schedule, which require a screening at 9 months of age and then again between 10 years and 20 years of age. YDI accepts documentation of the 9 month HCT/HBG or most recent. If this information is not available, the child needs to have a current screening. If the 9 month screening or screening provided indicates that the child is anemic or iron level is high, documentation of the follow-up treatment and testing is required. If this information is not available, the child needs to have a current screening. The Program Information Specialist provides the Teachers with a print out of all the children that are atypical. The teachers make referrals. The Service Specialist works with parents to obtain necessary screenings from the physicians, WIC or other source. They follow-up on the data collected, make referrals as necessary and document the outcome of screenings in the case notes, and enter all pertinent information into the PROMIS system. .
4. Meal Counts: At the end of every week, the Service Specialists checks the electronic version of the Meals Counts against the hand written Meal Counts ensuring that they are correct and match. Service Specialists ensure that newly enrolled children, transfers, re-entries and drops are indicated on the Meal Counts forms with the appropriate dates and pertinent information attached. These are then turned into the Center Director to be turned in at the End of the