Although women have the same constitutional rights as men, women still continue to be degraded and treated as inferior by a big percentage of the population. Women all over the world are faced with injustice acts every day of their lives due to this discrimination. This is not only shown in America, but in other counties as well. The countries Afghanistan and Nepal provide many statistics showing that even women on the other side of the world are not treated equally in their country. The situation is a bit more serious than first world countries due to the fact that they are unable to stand up for themselves because they could be punished for going against the normal moral. These women are struggling in their own country …show more content…
In Afghanistan women basically have no control over their lives. The author of the article states, “Up to 80 percent of marriages in poor rural areas are forced or arranged” ( Forced marriage is a complete denial of human rights. Humans are given the constitutional right of free will. As humans these women should be able to choose if they want to get married, and who they marry. But that right is overwritten when their fathers decide to sell them off to other men. Afghan women are seen as objects that can be sold and bargained for by men. Another injustice stated by the author, “Married girls do not continue their education and remain illiterate” ( After these women are forced to be married they are also forced to discontinue their education. Education is another right given to humans. Afghan women are forced to stop their education so they can get married and take care of the children they are expected to birth. It is assumed that they will not need an education because their husband will have one. This is an injustice because this leaves women uneducated and unable to progress in their future career. They are expected to stay home, clean, and take care of the children while the men provide for the family. The author also states, “Young wives also have low status in the family and are more likely to be abused by their husbands and/or in-laws” …show more content…
They are forced to live life in exclusion, by men. Some may argue that men have always ruled over women in these countries because it is a part of their culture. But the truth of the matter is, this discrimination is not a part of their culture it is the patriarchal dictatorship that runs their country. It is not fair that women of these countries live in fear, and inequality. These women watch the rest of the world progress while they are stuck in the never ending cycle of discrimination. Others need to support these women instead of denying the existence of the problem. There are multiple foundations that have already begun this process. One of these foundations is ‘Women for Women International’. This foundation provides safe shelter homes for refugees, educational opportunities, medical assistance, and psychological assistance. Women of Nepal and Afghanistan cannot fight this battle alone. Instead of being a part of the problem, the world should try to help find the