The laws were needed to maintain order and they were for the to prevent injust acts from happening, but at the same time prohibited people to be free. A quote from the Apology after Socrates was convicted, stated, Now I shall depart, convicted by you and sentenced to death, while they go convicted by truth of villainess injustice(18). This statement would seem to say that a person is born free under the laws of justice, but already in chains by those same laws because they, the free born, cannot examine themselves to find There is no less difference between rule over a free person and rule over slaves, than between what is by nature free and what is by nature slavish(186). Any rule or authority puts chains on the people whether it is for order or punishment. …show more content…
The only true person would not be interested in politics and a person must be content with the presents of others for there to be no coercion. Augustine said, Good man, although he is a slave, is fee; but the bad man is a slave..(201) The bad person is a slave, of there own doing and therefor in the struggle for power and selfishness, that they think can bring them freedom, is leading them farther away from freedom. A good person is free, under the rule of God. Every one is born with the same freedom, yet it is how the person tries to maintain that freedom, that tells which people will put themselves into