I enjoyed reading your DB post like Charles stated prison staff members do have control over what an inmate can and cannot do. And anyone must be cautious when it comes to the inmate's rights regardless of that prisoner being locked up he or she has that right to practice their religion because you wouldn’t want anyone to take away your religion and what you believe in in my opinion, inmates have rights to practice any religion. However, facilities can limit the supplies and tools used to practice the religion. Also, I’m not sure if I agree or should agree with your statement “I don’t think inmates should have exclusive rights regards to facial hair, special meals, or clothes, etc.”. I do like how you stated that you would provide
more one on one type services or accountability instead of changing the services rendered. I think to work with inmates in a HOPE program, one on one and classes/groups, help them get housing, make referrals. Esperanza (Hope) as part of service pray with inmates one on one while they do the same hope would be a word I’ll state repeatedly.
Word Count: 192