Before I continue, I would like to take this moment to thank June Callwood for being here today as our keynote speaker for tonight. Her work as not only a Canadian writer, but a social activist is inspiring. Her speech on “making a difference” was very intriguing. The way she described, “That evil thrives on apathy and cannot exist without it, hence, apathy is evil”. From this, her experiences helping battered women and other experiences we can follow in her foot steps in order to make the world a better place. Callwood talked about making a difference through actions and not be a bystander. She said that, ““Innocent bystander” is an oxymoron. People who do not intervene when something is amiss give tacit permission for injustice to continue”, which means that being a bystander makes you no better than the person committing the offense. Lastly, she said, “The very young are …show more content…
For most of us the future will be exciting, whether we are going off to college, university or workplace. The future is very unpredictable but is shaped by each one of you. Each one of you here today is responsible for your own choices, which will lead you towards a future. Now I know that sounds a little scary, but it isn’t in all honesty. Our future is based on our life decisions and all of us should keep that in mind. But as we move forward try not to forget what you have learned, attained and overall experienced in high school. Don’t lose the relationships and bonds you have formed with others over the past 4 years. Lastly, as we move on keep this in mind, “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing” (Pele). Thank you all for coming here today and to the graduating class farewell and good luck with your future endeavors. Thank