Company Analysis
Table of Content
Front sheet 1 Table of Content 2
Executive summary 3
Internal analysis
1.1 Mission, core values, and vision
1.2 Value Chain Analysis
1.3 Positioning Map
1.4 Success & Survival factors
1.5 Miles & Snow Adaptive Strategy
External analysis
2.1 Segmentation Analysis
2.2 Porter’s five forces
2.2 Industry Life Cycle
2.3 PEST Analysis
2.4 Benchmarking analysis
SWOT Analysis
3.1 Recommendations
Executive summary:
This report is an analysis about the company: Innocent Ltd. This company started its way in 1998 by three friends Richard Reed, Adam Balon and Jon Wright and produces healthy drinks and food. Their current market share in the UK is now 78%.
Internal Analysis
The analysis of the company is started by the internal analysis that broadly examines the marketing practices, the values of the company, the value chain of the company, the positioning in the market, the vital success and survival factors and lastly the Miles & Snow adaptive strategy. The company’s mission is to create a healthier lifestyle of the population by their products in order to ‘live well and die old’. This is supported by their vision that states that they want to become the earth’s favourite little food company and according to one of their values; creating a business they can be proud of. Moreover, as part of the internal analysis, a Value chain analysis has been carried out for Innocent Ltd. The value chain analysis identifies primary and support activities critical for the company’s success. Factors of the companies value chain within their primary and support activities seem very promising and are significant in the success of Innocent Ltd; their current market share of 77.5% can support this. Nevertheless it is crucial that the company preserves
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