Case Study – Beating Careerism to Innovate in India
Taking inspiration from the article “Smashing Silicon Valley’s biases” by Vivek Wadhwa, this document provides a model that can be implemented in India. It enlists the inherent strengths India has as a global services destination and builds a model taking advantage of the vast pool of engineers that India produces by changing the ambition and focusing the energy on Entrepreneurship rather than Careerism.
Figure 1.
The Research Service Innovation Center Model
The infographic on the right side tells us that India has to generate close to $60B in funds and a model of innovation has to provide a potential supply for the same. The summary is if India can attract 1/3rd of Research spending by the 30% of top 1000 research spenders operating already out of the country, it can fund its pertinent demand for startup innovation.
We propose a model of creating “Research Service Innovation Centers” where customers will use these centers to convert their “inventions” in fundamental research to business applications via use of research services provided. The figure1 on top shows how the WW top spend on research will use “Research Services” from India to generate business applications for the next generation.
An example is research in mobile telecommunications to create “auto grids”. Research based inventions from car manufacturers to connect vehicles in a networked and intelligent grid need to be converted into business applications that can be commercially launched.
The social impact that our model could potentially bring and how Indian business and government enable that are discussed below.
Social Impact
The Indian society has transformed itself into a “careerist” type model since the advent of the IT Services Market in 1991 generating approximately 117 M jobs. This
References: 1) Creating a vibrant Entrepreneurial Ecosystem In India – Report of the committee on Angel investment and Early Stage Venture Capital in India – June 2012. (Government of India planning commission). 2) GLOBAL R&D BENCHMARKING STUDY - FY2011 – Zinnov Research Additional references. * Startup village – (from our personal discussions with Sijo Kuruvilla – CEO Startup Village).