Section Two To be completed by the Professor I lecturer
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Professor 's name Signature Date received Date returned to student Section One To be completed by the student Please tick as appropriate Name (s) HARDIKKUMAR LADVA MBA FT MIB Undergraduate MBA PT MSc Diploma Certificate Specialization Intake n° Student ID Number (s) 122125 Grenoble Main Campus Off site (state which one) Subject INNOVATION MANAGEMENT …………………………… Assignment Oral Presentation Exam Title: INNOVATION MANAGEMENT: A STUDY ON GOOGLE MAPS
I hereby declare that the attached assignment is my own work and understand that if I am suspected of plagiarism or other form of cheating; my work will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee, which may result in my exclusion from the program. Signature: Hardikkumar Ladva Date 18 November 2012 Section One To be completed by the student Please tick as appropriate Name (s) HARDIKKUMAR LADVA MBA FT MIB Undergraduate MBA PT MSc Diploma Certificate Specialization Intake n° Student ID Number (s) 122125 Grenoble Main Campus Off site (state which one) Subject INNOVATION MANAGEMENT …………………………… Assignment Oral Presentation Exam Title: INNOVATION MANAGEMENT: A STUDY ON GOOGLE MAPS
I hereby declare that the attached assignment is my own work and understand that if I am suspected of
Bibliography: 2. Andreas Neumann, Kresse, Danko, Springer Handbook of Geographic Information, Chapter 14- Web Mapping and Web Cartography, Springer, 2012 3 6. Google Annual Reports, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 7 [ 6 ]. G Johnson, K Scholes, R Whittington, 2008, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 8th Edition, FT Prentice Hall, pg 333 [ 7 ]