Tuan Anh Dang, dangt@esiee.fr
Traffic Jam in Vietnam and its innovative solutions
Traffic jam in Hanoi has been a serious problem in Vietnam for the last decades especially in the intensive population areas like Ha Noi city and Ho Chi Minh City. People are moving from the nearby states and provinces to these cities in order to seek for a chance to get a better job, hence a better life which is worsening the situation. Many of the plans and solutions were proposed by many specialists but two most standing out were:
Figure 1.0: The traffic congestion in Ha Noi and HCMC. 1. Even/ odd plate number solution.
Using the last number of registration plate as a guideline, whichever vehicle has an even number as its last number will be allowed to travel on the even day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Vice versa, any means with odd last plate number will be allowed to enter the city site on the odd day (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday). On the last day of the week, everyone is free to travel. Everyone who owns the different number to the day will need to use the public transportation in order to travel in the day. 2. Changing working hour.
Another innovative idea was changing the state owned companies and school’s start and finish time so that they don’t collide during the rush hour. With the aim of terminating the rush hour, high school and students studying in state owned universities will start at 6.30 am in the morning and finish at 7 pm. Kindergarten will start 30 minutes earlier and 30 minutes later than employees who are working at the state’s company in order to make it easier for the parents.
Both of the ideas were considered innovative and predicted to be able to greatly reduce the aching traffic congestion, which is torturing the citizens everyday of their life, there were a lot of controversies and criticism around the matter which one should be applied since they were the only two best
References: Tran Ngoc Ca (2007), “Innovation Systems in Vietnam: Toward an Innovation Policy for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development”, Journal of Science Policy and Research Management, Japan Society for Science Policy and Research Management, Vol.22, No. 2. World Bank (2010), “Innovation Policy in Vietnam”, Policy Discussion Note, World Bank, Washington D.C. Việt Hùng (2012) ”Hà Nội ngày đầu đổi giờ: Loay hoay tập làm quen” http://www.vietnamplus.vn/Home/Ha-Noi-ngay-dau-doi-gio-Loay-hoay-tap-lam-quen/20122/123859.vnplus Công Khanh (2009) “Ngày chẵn, ngày lẻ cho xe ôtô: Làm thế không ổn!” http://vietbao.vn/Xa-hoi/Ngay-chan-ngay-le-cho-xe-oto-Lam-the-khong-on/75167702/125/David Smith (2009) Exploring Innovation “types of innovation” 2nd edition p.24 | |