
Innovative Ece Projects

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Innovative Ece Projects
Innovative ECE Final projects list
IEEE-2012-13 papers
1. ARM-7 TDMI - LPC-2148
2. Image Processing
3. MATLAB – Embedded
4. GPRS –Mobile internet
5. Touch screen.
6. Global Positioning System (GPS) technology.
7. GSM technology.
8. MMC/SD card with FAT-16 & FAT-32 file system
9. MEMS accelerometer.
10. RFID/ Smart card.
12. Speech recognition.
13. Finger print recognition.
14. Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol.
15. RS-485.
16. Google Android mobile OS.
17. Bio – Medical Engineering.
18. Heartbeat sensor.
19. Wi-Fi
20. Bluetooth technology.
21. RF Communication.
22. Zigbee.
23. Ethernet
24. USB interface
25. Digital Compass Ph: +91 9490219339, 040-23731030
Ameerpet: A-8, 2nd floor, Eureka court, beside Image hospital, Ameerpet, HYDERABAD – 73.
Dilsukhnagar: 203, Sreemaan Rama Towers, Opp: Kalanikethan , Chaitanyapuri, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad-62.
Santoshnagar: Opp: Big Bazaar, Santoshnagar X-Roads, HYDERABAD – 59.
1ECE Final projects list
SET-657. Voice recognition based wireless home automation with intensity control – (2011)
SET-604. Design of Emergency Remote Security Monitoring and Control System Based on
ARM – (2012)
SET-659. Short Range Personal Radar with Audio video transmission
SET-434. Design of a low cost helmet mounted dead reckoning navigation system.
SET-466. Autonomous Mobile Platform II with artificial intelligence using digital compass and
SET-641. Genetic-Based Biometric Security System for Wireless Sensor-based Health Care
Systems (2012)
SET-419. Solar Tracker Robot using Microcontroller. (2011)
SET-377. Universal remote controller with haptic interface for customer electronic devices(2011)
SET-597. A Reliable Transmission Protocol for ZigBee-Based Wireless Patient Monitoring
SET-598. Safety Benefits of Forward Collision Warning Brake Assist, and Autonomous Braking
Systems in Rear-End Collisions (2012)
SET-606. Design of

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