Four Basic Phases of the Innovation Process/ Applying the Process to Change USPS
The innovation process is very important in order to improve the product or services. The first phase in the innovation process is the intuitive style. This style relies on the past and past experiences to help make decisions in the future. The second phase is the innovative style. This style is a systematic way of problem solving that uses data to make the decisions. The third phase is the imaginative style. This style is more artistic that contains the ability to visualize opportunities in the future. The fourth phase is the inspirational style, which concentrates on social changes and includes a person devoting his or her time to a project until its completion. The United States Postal Service can the intuitive phase of innovation to improve their services by review the information from past operations and how they were received by the public. Currently, one of the services that the USPS offers a flat rate box meaning that no matter the weight of the package as long as it fits in the box. By studying the information and the data that the USPS is receiving from the flat rate box campaign, the organization will be able to develop
References: RIBBS. National Customer Support Center. Retrieved September 20, 2009 From Source: United States Treasurers Department. Embracing the Future: Making Tough Choices To Preserve Universal Mail Service. Retrieved September 20, 2009 From Source: