End of term project: Movies and Case Analyses (15%)
Note: Both of the following movies are available on Netflix.com. Netflix has a one-month free trial membership. You have the choice to close your account before the trial period ends.
1. Watch the movie “Too big to fail” and answer the questions attached here.
2. Watch the movie “Inside Job” and answer the questions attached here.
( Watch here for free: http://vimeo.com/57527797 )
3. Read the article “The Article “Canadian Housing Bubble? 9 Signs We're In For A Major Correction”, and answer the questions at the end of the article. Here is the link to the article: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/11/11/canada-housing-bubble_n_4255889.html Guideline: Format of the Paper
1. Your paper must have a cover page with your name, course section, and my name on the bottom right hand side of the page, and a title on the middle (slightly top) of the page.
2. The paper must be clean and organized. Print your paper in advance and make sure that it is legible, clean, and professional. Do NOT forget to staple. Do not submit in binders/folders/files etc.
DUE: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at the benigging of class (- 10 percent penalty for each day that the project is late, including weekend days)
Note: Students MUST submit a hard copy to me and an electronic copy on LEA
Questions based on “Too Big to Fail” movie
Watch the movie and answer the following questions briefly.
Upload your answers on Moodle using the Link “Submit Assignment on Too Big to Fail here”
1. (Up to about 25:00) Why did Henry Paulson have to call all the CEOs to make a private sector deal? What deal? Why did Henry Paulson think that a private sector solution, instead of government bailout, was needed?
2. (Up to about 43:00) Why did the Lehman Brothers sell not work out? (up to about 48:00) Why did