Software Packages Needed 1. Java SE Development Kit 7 ( download from 2. Eclipse Classic v4.2 (download from 3. Android SDK r20.0.1 (download form 4. Android Development Tools for Eclipse r20.0.2 (download from
Installation Process 1. Install Java SE Development Kit 7 2. Install Android SDK 3. Install and Run Eclipse IDE a. Select Help install New software b. Click on Add (first button on top-right corner) c. In the Add dialog, click on Archive. d. Browse and select the downloaded zip file. e. Enter a name for the local update site (e.g., "Android Plugin") in the "Name" field. f. Click OK. g. Select the Developer Tools and NDK Plugins as shown below and click on Next
h. After the items have been processed, click on the Next button as shown below
i. On the next screen, click on the “I accept the terms of the license agreements” option button and click on the Finish button to complete installation. See below
Installation in Progress 1. Eclipse will now process the installation… This step may take some time (10 mins or more). 2. You may need an active internet connection since Eclipse will download required components. 3. If you get the following security warning, click on Ok to proceed with the installation.
4. After the installation has been completed, click on Yes to restart Eclipse. 5. You will find the following icons installed on the toolbar