However, women inequality is still fairly common and it is showed through unequal media coverage, unequal pay, and unequal recognition.
Women in sports are capable of of doing any sports that male do, but they receive much less media coverage of their sports. According to Stephanie Chalkley-Rhoden, author of the article “Decline of women's sports coverage in Australia 'a tragedy'; report shows drop in coverage,” she explains that “Women [are] featured in only 7 percent of sports programming in Australia, representing a backwards step compared to a decade ago and highlighting a significant gender gap in a country where sport is king, a new report shows.” Chalkley-Rhoden goes on to state that while women only account for 7 percent of the media sports coverage, male sports are accountable for 81 percent of the sports media coverage. That is a 74 percent higher that the women’s coverage, unbelieveable. This helps demonstrate how little media coverage is directed towards female sports. There are so many channels on television that can provide viewers with female sports, it’s surprising that women sports are only accountable for 7 …show more content…
In many cultures, people are taught that males should never lay a hand on females, which is why people would be hesitant to play in a co-ed team. Males sports are said to be more aggressive and their players are careless, so if females were on the same teams as males they would have a high risk of getting physically hurt. One might argue that another purpose of sports being gendered segregated could be to prevent disrespect and sexual harassment amongst the teammate.It is understandable why people might think like that, but measures can be taken to prevent all of the reasons listed above. Women can be equally as aggressive, careless, and strong as men, yet it is difficult to see because of the lack of co-ed sports. The inequality that is occurring in society transfers into everything in life even sports.
Women in sports are not exposed to equal media coverage like the men, equal pay and benefits, and they lack recognition. It is outrageous that inequality is still being fought and although women have come along way there is still much more to go, for women are essential to society and they deserve equality and so much more.