Instructional models are the overall approaches to instruction that are designed to accomplish particular instructional goals. It provides orientation on what should learn and direction on how to learn the following specific steps (procedures and structures). Instructional models differ from the specific teaching strategies or techniques in that each of these models has its own theoretical basis behind it and encompasses specific steps (syntax) that are designed to attain the desired educational outcomes. Instructional models are also designed to attain specific goals and have attributes that teaching strategies or techniques do not have. Instructional models are blueprints for teaching which provide structure and direction in planning, implementing and evaluating instruction.
The key concepts learned by students in a given learning area (subject) can be liked with other concepts drawn from related disciplines, thereby, enhancing the teaching-learning processes. Typical examples of these instructional models are concept formation, concept development, and concept attainment.
These instructional models are supported by theorists, philosophers, and researchers like:
Jean Piaget (1990)- a Swiss psychologists
David Ausubal (1963) –the founder of cognitive psychology
Jerome Brunner- an American psychologist
Lev Vygotsky (1962)- a Russian psychologist
John Dewey (1916) –an American educator and philosopher
Hilda Taba (1969)- an American educator
Hilda Taba together of her associates developed three cognitive strategies that are based on the cognitive views of learning. Their studies reveal, among others how conceptual thinking develops in children and youth and how certain approaches to concept teaching affect these learning processes. They believe that the intellect develops as individuals confront new and puzzling experiences and as they try to resolve the discrepancies posed by these experiences in the