Excel Template Instructions for the Glo-Brite Payroll
Project (Using Excel 2010)
The Excel template for the Payroll Project is an electronic version of the books of account and payroll records. This is not an automated payroll system, but an example of how you might use a spreadsheet program to keep payroll records and account for payroll transactions.
You will need to follow the instructions in the textbook to complete the project. The instructions provided below will enable you to use the Excel template in place of the journal, general ledger, payroll register, and employee’s earnings records. Other forms, such as tax forms, are required for the Payroll Project. You will use those provided in the book.
Excel files are called workbooks. A single workbook can store many worksheets, which are stored like pages in a notebook. The workbook for this project has four worksheets: the journal, the general ledger, the payroll register, and employee’s earnings records.
Each worksheet is made up of rows and columns. Rows are numbered from 1 to 65,536, and columns are labeled with letters. Column 1 is A, Column 26 is Z,
Column 27 is AA, and so on. The intersection of a row and column is called a cell.
Cells have addresses based on the row and column in which they appear. Each cell can hold a number, text, a mathematical formula, or nothing at all. If you need to correct the data in a cell, simply enter the data as if the cell were empty.
The Excel Screen
This workbook has the look of a typical Excel screen. The first blue bar should say Microsoft Excel. The bar below that is the menu bar and is a typical Microsoft Windows menu bar. The next bar is the standard toolbar (now called ribbons), which is very similar to that of Microsoft Word. (You can move the arrow to a particular icon, and the command to be issued will appear.) Below that is the formatting toolbar, which won’t be used much in this project. The