Case Analysis
1. Read the case carefully. Identify the significant points and relationships. Use the exhibits to help you understand and/or interpret the text.
2. Analyze the data presented in the case and evaluate it in light of the situation. Try to understand not only the present situation, but also its historical origin and how it developed.
3. Decide what the major problems are and, if appropriate, prioritize them.
4. With the problems in mind, identify the feasible alternative courses of action. Determine what additional information is necessary to evaluate the alternative courses of action. Obtain that additional information.
5. Decide what your specific recommendation is to be. In doing so, use your understanding of the alternatives to frame a solution to the problem(s), and predict and evaluate the probable consequences of your solution.
6. Decide how you will organize the presentation of your solution to the case.
------------------------------------------------- Document Organization
1. Problem Statement: Identify the problem(s) concisely, using whatever case facts are necessary to show significance and/or priority.
2. Analysis: Avoid generalities. Be as specific as possible. Express your ideas clearly, supporting them adequately with evidence, explanation, and references to appropriate exhibits. The strengths and weaknesses of alternative courses of action should be developed. The analysis should build to support your recommendation. Reasons for accepting or rejecting alternatives should be stated and, if necessary, defended.
3. Recommendation: State your recommendation clearly and in detail sufficient to guide implementation. Discuss both the positive and negative results of following your recommendation and why you think that it is the appropriate course of action. Make sure that the recommendation follows logically